Why subscribe to Decipher?

This is the page where you expect an eloquent and humblebragged pitch. No.

Here’s why you should subscribe.

In the worlds of business, technology, and human behavior, sometimes things don’t make sense. Sometimes shit gets complicated.

I try to decipher obscurity and paradox, provide perspective, and connect things to a bigger picture.

We are in a time in which I believe we need to focus less on the technical, and more on the contextual.

Being able to ask the right questions, and notice and hold multiple perspectives is key.

My aim is for every post to provide you with a useful learning (and sprinkles of wisdom) that you can take beyond my writing.

You’ll hear from me once every few months.

Subscriptions are free.

Thanks for reading Decipher. Subscribe to receive my posts :)

Subscribe to Decipher, by Firas Marafie

Perspectives on business, thinking, and human behavior... sprinkled with a little bit of wisdom.


Trying to make sense of situations through context and perspective. I try not to focus on "right and wrong", but instead on "why, how, what, and when".